News from the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ

Posts tagged “Diné Nation

It’s Time For Spiritualities in Conversation: Christians and Navajo can learn important lessons from each other – All you have to do is listen

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Traditional Navajo Spirituality and Christianity are among the topics at the Feb. 27, 2011 “Spiritualities in Conversation” event at the Navajo Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ

Spiritualities in Conversation on February 27, 2011 at 12 noon in the Navajo Lutheran Mission House of Prayer

Promoting Hózhó in Rock Point, Arizona

Traditional Navajo Spirituality
Azee’ Bee Nahaghá of Diné Nation

Speakers include:
Roger Benally, Diné Language and Culture Specialist
Harrison Begay, Director, Senior Center
Bob Kirk, Lutheran Church member and NAC participant

Lunch will be provided.

Tsodizin T’áá Attsxo Diyingo Bee Náás Yiikah

With all types of prayers we continue on the sacred path

Spiritualities in Conversation Flyer

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